I tried experiments with goldtoning some prints yesterday. I tried toning specific parts of the print, 'painting' in pure gold chloride, anything to selectively increase the intensity of the gold toner in specific parts of the print before I gold toned the entire print. It didn't seem to work the way I imagined but it seems that this particular print was a partial success. I swabbed in with a q-tip pure gold chloride until it was absorbed in the highlights, then laid over the top of that the toning solution only on the subject for an hour before soaking the print in toner. Seemed to shift the color more towards the yellow beyond the red tones you usually get with gold toner. I also tried this with my Joan of Arc statue print hoping that the gold statue would look more like gold in the black and white print but it didn't work the same way. I want to try this with selenium toner. I also need to try out that sepia toning technique I learned in the Newspace class last month while the weather still permits me to work outside.
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