Monday, September 05, 2011

The home during better times.

A 1927 Mediterranean style home built for the Doernbecher family in Southeast Portland designed by Herman Brookman.  The first time I saw this place probably around 20 years ago it amazed me.  It was the nearest thing to a Los Angeles style mansion right in southeast Portland.  It's in the Laurelhurst neighborhood right next to the Park.  Laurelhurst Park is probably one of Portlands most beautiful city parks (which is saying a lot since there are so many) with lots of expensive and beautifully designed homes built around it but this one stood out.  Now it stands out for a different reason which can be read about here.  I shot a few pictures here in July and came back a few weeks later.  I wish I could wander around the grounds and I probably could but I'd rather respect the property and the neighbors who I think find this a pretty horrible embarassment so I keep my legal distance.


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