New Aquarium set up. I set this up around two weeks ago using a couple of inches of organic potting soil as a substrate and aquarium gravel over that to contain the potting soil. I added a mix of rain water and water from an aged aquarium and using a small canister filter. I also added a 1/8th cup of crushed coral to the substrate to provide some water hardness. I only have the aquarium about 1/3 full of water and have planted the aquarium. I do this to hopefully reduce algae growth and to allow the plants to grow emergent foliage to take advantage of atmospheric CO2. I am using a 4 foot 6 bulb T-5 HO light unit over two 10 gallon aquariums using a 6 hour light period followed by a 4 hour mid day dark period followed by another 6 hour light period and then dark for 8 hours. The other Aquarium I started 8 months ago but instead of potting soil I used the ADA product Amazonia aquarium soil with a covering of aquarium gravel. I planted primarily Cryptocoryn species. As the plants grew I added more aged water from my established aquarium and eventually added Cherry Red Shrimp and 6 Celestial Pearl Danios. I added the shrimp first and allowed them to establish themselves and then the fish. I believe the CPD's are feeding on the new born cherry shrimp. I have seen a few CPD fry. I've added Cambomba, water lettuce and duck week in hopes of providing some cover for the young fish. Snails from the plants have really taken over.
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