Sunday, July 21, 2013

A recent Aquarium shot.  I've been meaning to set up a flash or lighting so I can take pictures of the fish but I've been satisfied with taking long exposures of plants.
Thread fin Rainbow Fish, Iratherina-werneri. This is not a picture I took but downloaded off the internet.  I tried  photographing these guys but couldn't get a picture like this.  I love these guys, I bought 3 pair and their amazing.

Friday, July 05, 2013

Flower Shrimp

Flower Shrimp Atyopsis mollucensis 

This creature is difficult to Photograph in my Aquarium.  It likes to hang out in the darker regions but here it was up front but still in a poorly lit area.  I was shooting available light so I had to brace the camera against the glass so I was able to keep the camera still for the 1/8 second exposure.  I used the 'super macro' setting and manual focus which is about the only way to focus in low light.  This Canon Power Shot Pro-1 is a very versatile camera.
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